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Dresden Center for Nanoanalytics


Graphic Concrete Dresden Center for Nanoanalytics

New construction laboratory building for microelectronics laboratories and high-performance electron microscopy at the Dresden Center for Nanoanalytics (DCN).

Dresden Center for Nanoanalytics has extended their research and institute complex with a new laboratory building. Here electronics researchers, computer scientists, physicists and other experts research the nano-electronics of the future.

The 5,000 m² space within the existing building complex was quite a planning and logistical challenge. The site was very cramped and allowed only limited possibilities. The integration of large devices in the high-tech end range requires very high technical and structural physical parameters such as very precise stability, strict temperature control and electromagnetic shielding. The fulfillment of the technical requirements was successfully achieved with a precast concrete solution. 

The initial idea was to use glass printing with a special optical effect on the facade. The solution did not reach the expectations, so the designers found another way to impart their ideas; the durable concrete was combined with a delicate, beautiful scenery of poppies made with Graphic Concrete. The main theme of this design is the microscope; some of the large flowers look very sharp and others are blurred.

The project was awarded a recognition in the Saxon State Prize for Building Culture 2019.

Architecture: Klaus-Jürgen Schnell, SHP Architekten GmbH
Color: Light
Pattern: Designer's own Repeating pattern
Artist: Klaus-Jürgen Schnell, SHP Architekten GmbH
Buider & Client: SIB, NL Dresden II, Ostra-Allee 23, 01067 Dresden
Prefabrication:  Hentschke Bau GmbH, Zeppelinstraße 15, 02625 Bautzen
Address: TU Dresden, Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie, Barkhausenbau, Helmholtzstraße 18, 01069 Dresden
Type: Educational Building
Year: 2018
Photographer: Steffen Spitzner

Graphic Concrete Dresden Center for Nanoanalytics
Graphic Concrete Dresden Center for Nanoanalytics